published 2020-08-27
Andy Matuschak's notes, which were posted yesterday on Hacker News, describe a system for doing personal notetaking and writing. Three good ideas:
Software to support these practices could be fairly simple:
Items are scheduled when created / edited by some version of a spaced repetition algorithm:
SM-2 ("SuperMemo 2") - includes "easiness factor" which might not be relevant here.
Easiness Factor:
Anki - includes "easiness factor" which might not be relevant here.
Simple -
Fibonacci (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ...) == easiness factor = 1.618
Exponential (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ...) == easiness factor = 2.0
("easiness factor" could be interpreted here as an inverse "interestingness factor" -- the more interesting the item, the more often you see it. Then, when you defer or edit, if you've set the interestingness, it can affect the schedule when using Anki or SW-2 or "simple".)