journal   >   20200307-goals  


published 2020-03-07

According to Warren Buffet, to focus, write down your 25 top goals. Select the top 5. Put the other 20 on an "avoid at all costs list."

  1. House churches

  2. – Voice Interface Actions Language

  3. – medical interface builder and app

  4. BookGenesis – automated book production system

    • EPUB Preflight [WIP]
    • MathDesign – MathJax for InDesign
  5. Lean and fit (weight = 195 lbs, bench = 205 lbs, and other measures of fitness. See Arnold's at-home workout.)

  6. – cloud app engineering cooperative

  7. – Bible learning and devotion community

  8. Online devotional study Bible

  9. Black Earth Press – content for learning

  10. – learning platform

  11. Bubook store – learning content marketplace

  12. Ninox network – decentralized content ecosystem

  13. Lisp on Rust

  14. Build a passive-solar home

  15. IFR / Instrument rating

  16. Design an airplane

  17. Build an airplane

  18. Physics Ph.D

  19. Linguistics Ph.D

  20. Zero debt

  21. $1M investment portfolio

  22. Write many books, some great

  23. Compose much music, some great

  24. Secondary math curriculum based on physics

  25. Russian: fluent and literate

  26. Mandarin: fluent and literate

  27. French: fluent and literate