published 2020-03-07
According to Warren Buffet, to focus, write down your 25 top goals. Select the top 5. Put the other 20 on an "avoid at all costs list."
House churches – Voice Interface Actions Language – medical interface builder and app
BookGenesis – automated book production system
Lean and fit (weight = 195 lbs, bench = 205 lbs, and other measures of fitness. See Arnold's at-home workout.) – cloud app engineering cooperative – Bible learning and devotion community
Online devotional study Bible
Black Earth Press – content for learning – learning platform
Bubook store – learning content marketplace
Ninox network – decentralized content ecosystem
Lisp on Rust
Build a passive-solar home
IFR / Instrument rating
Design an airplane
Build an airplane
Physics Ph.D
Linguistics Ph.D
Zero debt
$1M investment portfolio
Write many books, some great
Compose much music, some great
Secondary math curriculum based on physics
Russian: fluent and literate
Mandarin: fluent and literate
French: fluent and literate